RevGals Friday Five: Play-ful!

Calf Creek Canyon, near Escalante in Southern Utah

1. Tell about your favorite outdoor play. My primary forms of outdoor "play" include walking, biking, and gardening....all of which really are playful for me because they bring me great delight.

2. Tell about your favorite indoor play. Yoga is probably my favorite form of indoor play, or some other exercise I find on YouTube. But I also like to play solitare, scrabble, and angry birds on my iPad....

3. Tell about a game you (or your friends) created
. When I was a little girl we lived in a neighborhood with a patch of woods. I love to pretend that I was Sacajawea and walk the woods as silently as I could, attempting to not even bend a blade of grass.

4. Tell about a game that is new to you. Mexican Train played with dominoes...I didn't actually play it, but I was present when a group of people did - looked like a lot of fun.

5. Tell how you would like to incorporate play into your workday.
As a parish priest I often find that anytime I with the children of the parish my playful nature gets engaged. I love to be with kids! Also, many of the adults in my current parish are great story tellers, and that is a playful way to have a "meeting."


Very Fun, Terri!
like the storytelling meetings :)
and picturing you walking the woods as you've described.. great stuff
I can get sucked into solitare etc on my iPad as well.

Unknown said…
I loved the woods, too, when I was a girl. Different activities though.
sometimes we all need the solitude of a patch of woods... hope you can find that now!
Jan said…
I want to learn how to play Mexican Train! I've never SEEN it played, but have heard about it.

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