RevGals Friday Five: Fall Word Association

SingingOwl over at RevGals offers this Friday Five Meme: Give us the the first word that comes to mind (you know how that works, right?) and then add a little something about why, or how or what.

1. Pumpkins Halloween, carved with candles inside and roasted pumpkin seeds. Later pie!

2. Campfire Marshmallows. Warmth, good conversation. Or RevGals, if it this bonfire from BE 2.0:

3. Apples Picking. Bags full on a crisp fall day, several varieties. Lots of family fun, and later pie!

4. Color Trees. The trees around here are glorious this year - vibrant yellow and red.

5. Halloween Candy. and costumes - but I haven't celebrated Halloween in years, I've always had other commitments. And with three dogs it's a little crazy to have trick or treaters come to the door...but I love the kids and their costumes.

And since it is REV Gals and their Pals, here is the bonus question, sort of a serious one:

What does the following passage from Daniel 2 make you think about?

"Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever;
Wisdom and power are his...
He changes times and seasons."
Me, being me, I pause a bit over the male pronouns for God. (sigh, it's so tiresome). But God as creator of life, absolutely. God as one who set the seasons in a cycle of birth, life, death, new birth - awesome. God, as changing times? If that means that God is treating all of creation as if God were some grand puppeteer and creation is God's puppet(s) and God manipulates what happens? Not so much. Free will is at play. God gave us that. And sometimes free will wrecks havoc, and then there is a mess to clean up. God participate in the restoration of order and new life that comes up, again and again, from the free-will chaos. Well, anyway, that's what I think of off the top of my head.


Rebecca Ramsey said…
Oh, you've got me in an autumn mood. I love that two of your answers involve pie. Now I know what I want to do this weekend: apple picking and apple pie! And maybe a pumpkin pie too--I'll count it as a vegetable.

I love thinking about the cycles of life and our part in the circle, however messy.
Have a great weekend!
Yum...pumpkin seeds (and all your other answers as well).
RevDrKate said…
Oh I was thinking about THAT bonfire as I wrote about them!
altar ego said…
I detect a pie theme! Even growing up with "The Mothers'" fabulous pies, I'm more of a quick bread girl. Love pumpkin bread, apple/spice breads, Scottish Ginger Cake. You've whet my appetite!
Jan said…
I always appreciate your pondering; your bonus answer about free will wreaking havoc amidst God's grace is so true.
angela said…
Happy Fall! And your thoughts on Daniel 2 make me rethink my own answer...
Rev SS said…
Yes to all answers ...the piece that first jumped out at me in the bonus scripture was the male images too ... very tiring! ... totally agree with your reflection about free will
Sue said…
I remember that bonfire with a great deal of fondness. It was so delightful.
you steady theologian you...

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