My Birthday and other things
Today is my birthday. I'm now 51. Funny how this one snuck up on me, busy as I am. Last year I was all freaked out about turning 50 - and this one barely hits the radar.... Besides I am thinking a lot about the shooting at NIU, not too far from where I live - kids from the parish attend school there. As far as I know, all are safe...but six or seven others have died....these shootings are breaking my heart...why are kids thinking this is "good" idea? What are we as a society teaching them? We have some serious work to do. At the very least, when will we do something about the easy availability of guns - especially high powered automatic guns? I know making them illegal will not solve the problem but it would be a start. Then what about all the violent movies and tv shows? What about the war? What about all the ways we are desensitizing ourselves to violence, pain, suffering? And what about these hurting kids who think actions like this are a solution to their own pain? Ye...