
Showing posts from April, 2008

Love, the fruit of our relationship with God

A reflection on the readings for Easter 6A As a little girl I used to walk myself to church twice a week, once for Sunday school and then again on Tuesday for Christian formation. The rest of my immediately family had no desire to go to church and I apparently was content to walk there myself. I was born into the church; my ancestors for generations back had been active members. It was the only church I knew. This denomination had very clear ideas of who could belong and who could not. It was also a denomination that centered its entire being on the idea that its members were the only people who were going to be admitted into the kingdom of heaven. They taught that it was the one and only true church of God. One morning in Sunday school the teacher was giving us a lesson on this rule. Apparently, according to this teacher and this church, God made this rule; God decided that this Church was the one and true expression of faithfulness and the only way to salvation. But, even as a y...

Not the Roadrunner of my childhood...

flickrfoto When I was a little girl I loved the wiley coyote and roadrunner cartoon. I think I always sided with the road runner and had no sympathy for the coyote, who just seemed petty and stupid. This was all the more so when I arrived in the southwest and saw roadrunners. They are small, fast birds and roam around the arroyos. But all of that changed the other day. Into my back yard, where I have a bird feeder...and where I enjoy a vast array of beautiful birds, came a road runner with dinner in its mouth. Road runners are carnivores. I'm not sure what it had but it was some little baby critter - a bird probably. Well. I became that coyote fast as can be and ran outside yelling at this thing as it tried to have dinner on my patio. My dog came with - she loves to help me discipline - and ran around barking her short bark that says - NO! Now. I also know that we have coyote around here...but I have yet to see any...I'm pretty sure I won't like them much either... Or rathe...

Morning Walk

My husband and I took the dogs for a long walk this morning. Here are some of the things we saw: Flowering Cacti flickrfoto flickrfoto flickerfoto After about 40 minutes we decided to turn around when we saw this: Gila Monster (Known for their poisonous bite and persistent grip...) flickrfoto It was, however, a delightful walk. The first Saturday we've had off together in a long time. The air temp was mid 80's, the sky was slightly overcast, and the breeze was strong enough to keep us from over heating...really nice.

Hummingbird Moth

Ok. In this photo is a sphynx or hummingbird moth...can you see it? They come out each night at dusk and drink the nectar from the flowers in our yard...

More photos

I can take no credit for these beautiful roses....but I am thankful they are in my backyard...the fragrance is awesome!

Some pictures....

A view of mountains to the East A view of the sunset to the West One of two flowering trellises.... More to come....