A place I know not yet....
Whispers: by Mary Oliver Have you ever tried to slide into the heaven of sensation and met you know not what resistance but it held you back? have you ever turned on your shoulder helplessly, facing the white moon, crying let me in? have you dared to count the months as they pass and the years while you imagined pleasure, shining like honey, locked in some secret tree? have you dared to feel the isolation gathering intolerably and recognized what kinds of expressions can follow from an intolerable condition? have you walked out in the mornings wherever you are in the world to consider all those gleaming and reasonless lives that flow outward and outward, easily, to the last moment the bulbs of their lungs, their bones and their appetites, can carry them? oh have you looked wistfully into the flushed bodies of the flowers? have you stood, staring out over the swamps. the swirling rivers where the birds like tossing fires flash through the trees, their bodies exchanging a certain happin...