Friday Five: Corner Shops
Mary Beth, over at RevGals offers this Friday Five: 1. If you suddenly received a ton of money and could open up some kind of store or service just for the pleasure of having it (assume it wouldn’t have to be too financially successful!), what would it be? I'd offer holistic health care that paid the therapists a living wage and made the treatments available to everyone. We'd have yoga, massage therapy, acupuncture, Reike, shiatsu, chiropractic, sauna and steam rooms, and a whirlpool, health classes on vitamins and diet, meditation classes, religion and spirituality resources, and a tea room where one could eat a simple healthy meal, drink delicious tea, and read. 2. What service or store that no longer exists do you miss most? I can't think of anything. However, what I wish for is a good old fashioned vegetarian restaurant - although we have lots of veggie options of the Middle Eastern variety, I'd love a vegetarian restaurant like we had in Chicago: Blind Fait...