Friday Five: Transformations
Sculpture is called "Expansion" by Paige Bradley. You can read more about it and its creation here . MaryBeth, over at RevGals offers this beautiful image and Friday Five: For today's Friday Five, share five occasions or events in your life that have been turning points...when you have felt like a new thing was being born. You can refer to the birth of children, career, your kitchen garden, or whatever moves you. 1. Top on my list is the call I received to come to this church in Dearborn. No doubt this has been a call of birth and new life. I am blessed to be in a creative, energetic, progressive parish where I most fully able to be authentic as a priest and as a person. I love that in addition to all of the ways in which I love being here vocationally, I can also walk most anyplace I need to go and I can garden too. It's a holistic place for me, new life in many ways. 2. CREDO II - my recent experien...