Jesus asks, Who do YOU say I am?....
It’s never been easy, or simple, for me to answer the question that Jesus asks the disciples, “Who do YOU say I am?” I’ve often wondered, “Who is Jesus to me?” Messiah. Savior. Redeemer. Jesus. These words are heavy baggage in my lexicon. As a child I was taught about “right” and “wrong” and that God was counting every infraction. What I heard was, being a person of faith was all about “following THE rules.” The rules were not necessarily the ten commandments, and I didn’t even hear about the greatest commandment to love God, love self, and love neighbor, until I was an adult. What I learned was God was counting my sins and holding every one of them against me. So I better follow the rules or else. My response to the idea that God was counting my sins and keeping track of every one of them, even the one’s that stayed in my head and were never said out loud or acted upon, was to try and be absolutely perfect. As if perfection is possible. The ef...