PURE: A Book Review
Pure: Inside the Evangelical Movement That Shamed A Generation of Young Women and How I Broke Free: written by Linda Kay Klein, reviewed by Terri C. Pilarski When the invitation showed up in my Facebook feed looking for people to review this book, I immediately responded, "yes." However, I did not anticipate that this book would change me and how I see the world, as it has. I am after all, of the generation BEFORE the women in this book. Born in 1957, I could be the mother enforcing and reinforcing the views and values that shamed the generation this book interviews and references, girls born and raised in the 1980's-2000's. My own daughter was born in 1988, my son in 1992. As a parent I worked hard to encourage my kids to know their own minds and to minimize body shaming and encourage a healthy self-worth. I did not always do this well, but that was my intention. By the time I was a parent I was leaning just a tiny bit more toward healthy than not. That was t...