A year of...
One year ago, on February 14, which was the odd mix of secular and religious, of Valentine's Day AND Ash Wednesday, I made an impulsive, radical change. As I put on my alb, the robe that clergy in the Episcopal Church (and some others) wear as part of our worship vestments, I pondered my sermon. That's typical. But this time I thought, UGH! I cannot preach THIS sermon again. I mean it wasn't BAD exactly. It had all the right components for an Ash Wednesday sermon, a mediation on the invitation to observe a holy Lent. But oh was it dry. I just couldn't bear it. So I left my iPad behind and walked out to lead worship deciding that I would say whatever the Spirit led me to say in the sermon time. It was a little exciting. The congregation was small and intimate, so I felt like this would be okay. And, it was. I did the same thing on the first Sunday in Lent. Then the next Sunday. And now, every Sunday for the last year. No written manuscript. Well, once in a while I...