Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany and some thoughts for the annual meeting post 2020
Scripture: Mark 1:21-28 Our scripture readings this morning share a common question: how to live as God desires? To help us understand how to live as God desires, the readings begin by describing what it looks and feels like to not live as God desires, to go against what God hopes for. Going against God’s desires looks like demons, it looks like eating food that creates the conditions for food injustice, it looks like doing things that create the conditions for racism, poverty, hunger, and other things that cause systemic disparity in the world. Many of us contribute to the problems of the world without even knowing we are doing so. These are our demons. Let’s reflect a bit on who God is and how we know what God desires: Scripture tells us that in the beginning of creation God existed. Who is God? God is known as the source of all creation, the energy source, the creative source, the ultimate Being of life, however one depicts what that means. So, in the b...