
Showing posts from July, 2021

If It's All the Same....

  In my twenty-one yeas as an Episcopal priest there have been three key justice issues that have been a focus of my ministry: justice for LGBTQ people, justice for BiPOC people, and justice for women. I am acutely aware that any authentic work I do in these areas must include work on myself to recognize and begin to dismantle the ways that I am formed and informed by my privilege as a white cisgender hetero woman.   Learning to see how the systems of oppression are formed in me and how they inform what I think, see, say, and do requires deep work. This work is not just intellectual, it is soul searching interior work to recognize how I am enmeshed in the false narrative of white superiority and hetero-superiority, because they are the narrative I’ve been raised in.  Why would I do this deep work? And why would I then encourage the congregations I serve to do similar work on self and as a congregation?  I believe that God loves diversity, created this vastly dive...