Monday Morning Musings

Monday. My day off so I slept late (8ish). The house is quiet, no school, kids still sleeping. A few inches of newly fallen snow, no big ice storm no major snow fall, just a few inches, very pretty.

Last night I preached at an ecumenical service with Roman Catholics, Lutherans, and Episcopalians, celebrating the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The service was held at the RC church, it is our fifth year doing this service. Preaching was awesome. Three of the four clergy were women, which was so exciting for the RC congregation.

Today, no big plans. Sit for awhile with coffee to drink, and kitten curled in my lap, enjoying the picturesque snow outside. Then I will work on resume for another search, makes five I have entered...oh my. After that, exercise, shower, and take dogs to park...unless the snow gets worse...

Oh, and last night I took my last antibiotic. That makes 9 weeks of we wait and see of the infection is completely gone...


Unknown said…
I pray it is! Hope you've enjoyed your quiet day.

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