Monday Morning Musings

Monday. My day off. And today, I'm taking it. After a week of celebrating my 50th birthday I need to rest. I need to eat light and healthy. I need to exercise. And, I have a busy week ahead so, I'm taking this day off.

Tuesday will be filled with setting up the church for Lent, changing everything to purple and muslin, plain. No flowers, vases of bare branches, rocks, and images of a journey. Burning palm branches to make ashes for Ash Wed. Setting up fellowship hall for a festive dinner for Shrove Tues and to raise funds for refugee families. Plus a regional clergy gathering...

Wed. Ash Wed...fasting, ashes, I need a homily, three services. chiropractor appointment.

Thursday: meetings. dentist (yikes first appointment since my infection last fall, new dentist). tea with women's clergy group. prepare for vestry retreat and Sunday. Write sermon for Sunday?

Friday: pack and head off for vestry retreat

Saturday: continue vestry retreat...


Unknown said…
It sounds like a very full week!
The church I am serving as Interim has a full schedule of memorial flowers, so I guess I can't control the altar area the way I did at Small Church. It's a bit of a bummer. (Of course they would consider the bare altar a bummer, too...)
Terri said…
I am working in earnest (Ok I know I said I wasn't going to work this day, but I did...) trying to develop my thoughts for Ash Wed and Lent. I don't usually wait until the last minute, but I stumbled upon something that ties in with what we already do...we use lots of rocks to decorate the church, now I am going to tie the use of rocks in with the idea of cairns. Cairns come from ancient Scotland and were used by travelers to mark a path or by mourners to mark a grave. Some used the rocks to "carry" the prayers of the living for the deceased. So, we will use rocks to build prayer cairns to hold the prayers our prayers during Lent. Folks can add rocks to cairns and continue to build them week to week...or something like that. Small church does allow for last minute innovation...

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