RevGals Friday Five: Artsy Crafty

1. Would you call yourself "creative"? Why or why not? Yes, I think I am creative...not genius creative, but all the work I have done in my adult life has centered on the creative. I graduate college in 1979 with a degree in Lighting Design for Dance and I proceeded to light dance concerts for six years. I followed that with six years in Interior Design then moved into massage therapy (creativity on a spiritual plane). Now I show my creative side designing liturgy and "decorating" and "lighting" the church for worship.

2. Share a creative or artistic pursuit you currently do that you'd like to develop further. Knitting and cross stitch. I can only knit a straight line, so scarves are good...I stopped work on my cross stitch last summer and need to get back to it...

3. Share a creative or artistic pursuit you have never done but would like to try. Tatting. A friend of mine makes her own lace trim, it is beautiful. And because it is little it is so easy to take anywhere. Also, I'd love to sing better than I do and take voice lessons. I'd like to re-learn the piano and I'd like to go back to pottery wheel and spin pots again...

4. Complete this sentence: "I am in awe of people who can _____________." Knit with four needles and not get confused...and those who can make beautiful patterned sweaters and not get confused...I think I have attention deficit when knitting...

5. Share about a person who has encouraged your creativity, who has "called you to your best self." (I'm pretty sure that's from the Gospel of Oprah). My friend Katharine taught me to knit and she is the one who Tats...our friendship, begun in seminary, has definitely helped me forward in the process of becoming my best self. Now we live too far apart and rarely see one another...we need to be more intentional about this friendship!


Sr. Heather said…
Your last line leaped out at me - there are so many places where the concept of intentionality has come up in my life, that I'm beginning to think maybe God is trying to say something to me. You know how God will keep whispering the same word at you, over and over, and then speaking it, and then shouting it, and if you still don't (or can't) hear it, whacks you with the Cosmic Two-by-Four? I think that "intentionality" is reaching the shouting stage, but I think I'm listening...

Intentional creativity is good. Intentional relationships are good, too. And intentional fun, intentional beauty, and intentional laughter.

I'd love to watch somebody tat sometime - just have a casual conversation, and watch their hands work as they speak. I bet it's lovely.

reverendmother said…
I worry that tatting is one of those things that is going to die out... it's such a neat art.

Good play!
DogBlogger said…
Funny, when you first said tatting I thought you meant being a tattoo artist!
(a generational thing, maybe, since reverendmother thinks it's going to die out?)
Oh I think that tatting is beautiful! I have a bookmark that a young crafter made for me and I just love it!

Excellent list!
chartreuseova said…
I am SO in agreement with #4, I can't focus much beyond K1 P1, repeat.
Lori said…
Tatting! Good for you. That would be so cool. I remember my grannies and aunties doing this and it's so pretty.

and I'm with Hedwyg on the intentionality thing. That's a great observation.
Maria Tafoya said…
Tattooing - too funny dogblogger.

Tatting produces such lovely things, and really is nice to watch. My grandmother from Ireland used to make large items like tablecloths. I'm sure I'd go blind using such fine thread and bitty needles. But then, I crochet big square things with a size K hook.
Sharon said…
Tatting isn't that hard and there's no way it's dying out, it's growing. I have tatting demos that show you how to shuttle tat on my web site. just click on the words Tatting Demo on the web page and it will take you to a page of different videos. Start with the chain using 2 colours of thread. If you run into problems, use the e-mail link on my web page.
leah said…
Oh, knitting a straight line is just fine, scarves are so wonderful, for style and for warmth! Ditto the other comments about tatting--I know only one person who does it and I think it is amazing. I know I need to go over to Sharon's site soon. Good play, thanks!
revhipchick said…
my mother-in-law's amazing!

great play!
Sally said…
Knitting with two needles is enough for me!! Well played

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