RevGals Friday Five: What cha doin'?....

Well friends, this is one of those weeks when I simply must work today, which is normally my day off. I know, I know. We may tut-tut all we want, but the fact is, some weeks are like that. So, this week's F5 is simple.Name five things you plan to do today.Bonus: If today is about "have-to" for you as well, share up to five things you'd like to be doing today.

1. First thing I am doing today is having a cup of coffee and blogging with Friday Five. It's a must do for me most Friday's.

2. Next I am going to get ready and go to the office for a morning of work preparing for Sunday. My Parish Admin works on Friday's so it's "a must do" to be there when she is.

3. I need to call a woman who interested in coming to our church and sent me an email last night. This is a must do!

4. I am having lunch with a colleague. We meet about once a month to share our ministries and process life and work. She is a laywoman, I am ordained....we bring interesting perspectives to the ministries we each live. I look forward to our time together and it is a "must do" of the best kind.

5. When I get home late this afternoon I have to pay bills and do is a must do...

What would I rather be doing today? Well, thankfully I had a GREAT day off on Monday (you can read about it in Monday Musings), the first in awhile. And I may actually have another real day off this upcoming Monday....So, I'm Ok taking care of "must do's" today.


QuakerPastor said…
I am so with you on number 1....
Mondays off ROCK!
Sr. Heather said…
Sounds like a good day - a nice balance between the daily stuff and the more inspiring (lunch, your newcomer). Good list!
chartreuseova said…
I always say prioritizing is the most important thing of any to do list...start the day with coffee and leave the bills til last.
Sally said…
enjoy your lunch- and have a great day
Lori said…
Laundry and bills. Hmmm. If this was a Sopranos blog ring it'd be laundering big bills. (insert groan here)

Good for you for enjoying those Monday's off!
Anonymous said…
...or if you owned a laundromat, then the laundry would be paying the bills :)
revhipchick said…
it is a popular laundry day for many folks around here!

great play and congrats on a wonderful monday!
hip2b said…
Thank you so much for your sympathy, and have a great Monday off.
zorra said…
I think everyone was doing laundry and bills today!
Thanks for stopping by.

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