Friday Five: Hard habit to Break

Reverendmother over at RevGals says: As many of you know, I have been experimenting with some severely curtailed Internet usage. I realized that I had gotten into some bad habits, which got me thinking about habits in general. I understand that a habits/random facts meme has already been going around. In the hopes that it hasn't hit too many of us yet, be as lighthearted or as serious as you'd like with the following:

1. Have you ever successfully quit a bad habit, or gotten a good habit established? Tell us about how you did it. One of the techniques I used to get through seminary with decent grades, while raising two kids (one was 7, the other 3 when I started): I managed to be home with them after school and through dinner, bath, and bedtime story. Then about 7:30 I'd head off for my study cubicle on campus and work like mad for three hours. Then I'd come home at 10:30 to watch Jay Leno (or David Letterman) and - here's the habit - eat a huge bowl of ice cream. Every night, a huge bowl of ice cream. Years later, after several sinus infections I realized that a lot of ice cream before bed, and without allergy meds, was making me sick. So. I quit. It was actually harder than I thought. But now I settle for tea and a few cookies, or maybe a low fat ice cream bar. I'm content and sinus infection free for years.

2. "If only there were a 12-step program for _________________!" I've done a lot of hard work in my life to take care of myself. Granted, I'm fifty. And, well, I my childhood did not exactly prepare me for life, so I had to do this work. So. I still do and am grateful for those who work with me to keep me healthy. BUT - one thing I need to do better - exercise again. sigh. And what I need to make that happen - stop blogging so much - ok Reverendmother, I've read your blog and now I'm in denial lalalalalalala......

3. Share one of your healthy "obsessions" with us. I have found, that I really appreciate writing on my blog as a healthy outlet and semi-anonymous personality. I also appreciate reading others and remembering that I am neither unique in problems nor alone, and there are many special people I've connected with via RevGals. So. even as I say I need to add exercise back into my life, I will not give up blogging. Maybe only my fingers need exercise at this point in my life...?

4. Share the habit of a spouse, friend or loved one that drives you C-R-A-Z-Y. My darling husband eats breakfast standing up watching the news. He says its' because he's on the go, getting our son up and out the door for school, etc. and sitting down, well he is only eating to stave off hunger not relax and enjoy his food. But he also does the same thing at lunch time. I avoid being around when he does this. Of course if we are eating together, then he sits down. But for some reason it makes me nuts. And after 22 years I've given up suggesting he sit down only to have him grunt or look at me, or not....sigh.

5. "I'd love to get into the habit of ___________________." Doing yoga every day. I did it for nine years, loved it. Now I am out of the habit...and can't get back into it. Maybe I should take a class on Tai Chi instead, trying something new usually works for me...I get excited and well, I am a bit obsessive...

Bonus: What is one small action you might take immediately to make #5 a reality? find a class and sign up for it. but that sounds like too much I may not do it anytime soon.

Bonus 2: Try it, and let us know how it goes in a future post! Ok. If I do, you'll be the first to know.


Gannet Girl said…
OK, that's two yoga people. I did some yoga yesterday. I don't think that counts as a habit. Maybe if I do it today, too?
Terri said…
I think someone on another blog said it takes THREE WEEKS for an exercise routine to become a habit. That alone scares me....
Sally said…
ok now it is three yoga people- I need to get back into that habit soon- ( now) btw tai-chi is great but you really need a calss it is wierd on your own!
Diane M. Roth said…
Your comment about ice cream reminded me of the time my college room-mate and I studied for finals like this: study for finals 55 min., play cards (I think we played "War") for five min, study for 55 min., play for five, etc.) It actually worked!
Lori said…
Yay yoga! I myself am over 50 and find it necessary to keep my bone losing spine and discs from decompressing. Not to mention how it works your entire body and spirit. Nine years, every day...I'm totally impressed.

And I'm with you on the blogging.
Iris said…
I've tried several times to leave a comment here today. Let's see if it works this time!

I had a friend in collge who used to eat standing up. She'd say, "This way, it's a straight shot to my stomach." She didn't listen when I'd point out that it's a straight shot when seated as well!
Terri said…
wow. I wonder why you have been unable to leave a post...sorry about that.
will smama said…
mompriest - great play and THANK YOU for directing me to the picture.

That was very sweet of you to remember me and VERY well timed.
Josephine- said…
Tai Chi and yoga, can't go wrong with either. I've also fallen out of the yoga habit, must do something about that.
Rev SS said…
I'm impressed with your seminary schedule ... I stand in awe of you and anyone who can complete seminary while raising a family! I attended half time (taking 6 years) while working half time ..(and no family at home needing my attention)
Grace thing said…
Okay, mompriest, I'm in serious need of vision. You mention starting seminary when your kids were 3 and 7...home when they were home from school, then off to studies around 8pm. HOW did you do it? What kind of seminary did you attend? Was it a residential seminary? And you were able to be free from 3pm on for your kids? How did your hubbie deal with this? You don't have to answer all these questions. And I guess I'll just have to dive in, but I'd love to hear how you figured it out.

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