A Woman's Burden

Four hours of grilling. I have done lots of interviews. I may be the church job search pro. I'm good at it. But yesterday I experienced an interview that beat all others. Four hours of talking. This after a 90 minute phone interview earlier. This after a two hour lunch the day before where I barely ate as I answered question after question. This after they have spent 12 hours interviewing members of my parish and other references....Then in the midst of this a sixty some year old man asked me my views on abortion and how I would counsel a "13 year old pregnant girl who did not have supportive parents and came to me because she was pregnant." (Ok so no one else is every confused about a prepnancy, only poor girls???)....

Now, I am not about to get on my soap box regarding the abortion issue. But suffice it to say it was headed in a bad direction when he said that he believes abortion is wrong even in cases of incest and rape. And then I was virtually speechless when he said, "It is a woman's burden to bear, even if she has been raped or is a victim of incest. It is a woman's burden to bear." Men are not culpable in any capacity for any kind of inappropriate behavior? It's just a woman's burden to bear???

Later he told my husband that when he and his wife were living in Australia she saw a large scorpion on the drapes. She went to kill it but knocked it down instead and it landed in his gym bag. She never told him there was a scorpion in his gym bag. He found it later....(and obviously lived to tell the story)....

'nuff said???


Unknown said…
Indeed, 'nuff said.
(Okay, I'll say one thing. Aren't you glad when you find these things out in the interview phase?)
Terri said…
Yes...so glad I know now!
Sally said…
yup nuff said- sometimes God simply opens a window for us to see the truth!

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