Tagged: Name Four Things

My cyber-space blog friend RevEricaG tagged me to play this meme

Four Jobs I've Had
A waitress in a seafood restaurant called Jonathon Seafood.
A lighting designer for dance.
Selling shoes at Eddie Bauer.
An interior designer.
A Massage Therapist.(oh, that's five...and I could go on...)

Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over
Italian Job
Something's Gotta Give

Four Places I've Lived
Salt Lake City (born there)
Nampa, Idaho (one year)
Waupun, Wisconsin (home of the state prison)
Ft. Worth, Texas (one year)

Four Places I've Vacationed
Seattle, Washington
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Four of my favorite dishes
Chocolate (any kind, anyway, anytime, especially dark)
Marinated and grilled (steak, chicken, pork, fish)
Pizza (deep dish, thin crust, who cares)
Coffee (fair trade, rich in flavor, with skim milk)

Four Sites I Visit Daily
On-line bank account
various blog friends
my blog site

Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now
Today is an incredible day in the Midwest: 81 degrees, sunny, low humidity. There is no place I'd rather be right now.

Well, if I HAD to be some place else it would be my dad's cabin in the mountains of Utah.

Or, at an outdoor cafe in NYC sipping wine with friends and watching the "world" walk by.

Or, watching the sunset over the pacific (if I had to choose)...

Four people I'm tagging:

I've already tagged lots of folks in the last week or so. So, if you stop by and want to play, please do. And let me know so I can read what you say!


RevErikaG said…
Rad! Thanks, mompriest!
Have a blessed Sunday!
RevDrKate said…
I seem to be hooked on memes! Or I am looking for more reasons not to read the History of Psychology text for the course I'm teaching this fall. Hmmm, I wonder which? It was fun, thanks for posting it!
RevDrKate said…
I seem to be hooked on memes! Or I am looking for more reasons not to read the History of Psychology text for the course I'm teaching this fall. Hmmm, I wonder which? It was fun, thanks for posting it!
Terri said…
revdrkate, I am sure it has to do with the unconscious draw of memes calling deep into your psyche and screaming out for fun.... :-)

But we know that giving into the drive for only fun and not for other stimulating forms of knowledge will not lead to a balanced conscious life.

So, some days you just have control those urges and focus on discipline.

But, perhaps not on a beautiful Sunday in July....I'm coming over to your blog to see if you played.
Jan said…
Fun to do since I don't feel original enough to post "deep" thoughts or ponderings. . . .I've lived in way too many places, but I'll just post the most recent. Another reason to look at more blogs. . . .
Diane M. Roth said…
massage therapist? Great...I haven't seen any of your favorite movies... Maybe I should start with Dogma...
this was fun! Thanks for sharing.
Terri said…
Oh, no. If you haven't seen Dogma, be prepared. The prophets are something else...

Yes, I was a certified professional therapeutic massage therapist for 9 years, working mostly in hospice and the hospital, and a small private practice. I had a vision when I entered seminary (in addition to other ministries) of having a holistic private practice working with mind, body, spirit.
Diane M. Roth said…
I like your vision.
Terri said…
Well, I ended up a parish priest. But maybe some day I'll re-enter that vision.

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