Happiness by Jane Kenyon

Diane has posted a new poem at her blog. Check it out here.


Diane M. Roth said…
thanks for the link. hope you are taking extra vitamins to get through VBS!!!!
Terri said…
I can't believe how tired I am. It's only three hours a day (well, plus the hour of set up before and the hour of clean up afterward - so, ok 5 hours a day). (Maybe that's why I'm so tired, that combined with all my other usual work load...)
Unknown said…
Yes, hope you are making it okay. VBS can be wearing.

I could not find your comment you said you made. Looked back in the comments moderation section, my emails. Its not there. You are not offensive to me, you are real, so try and say it again. I just hope I didn't hurt your feelings.
VBS - very blown state (of mind). yeah I echo what's been said... enjoy the fun & energy & then do something really nice for yourself this weekend!
Diane M. Roth said…
hope your busy week is coming to an end, Mompriest. You, like Martha, need to put your feet up and rest, and just listen to Jesus for awhile.

I'm sure he has some good words for you.
Terri said…
Very blown state (of mmind). Yes that is kinda like me this week. really tired at the end of every day and then up early to do it all over again.

Friday is our last day, with a picnic lunch to follow, some cleaning up, and then all done. All I have to do is get a sermon ready for Sunday. yeah, that's all. And being more like Martha this week, when I usually write my sermons in a Mary kind of state, well, who knows what I'll say.

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