Officially on vacation

Yes. Finally. No church work for two weeks. Not going anywhere. My vacation will be a mix of some housework - painting and DEEP cleaning (which I actually look forward to doing, and having the luxury of time to do); various day trips into Chicago (Art Institute? Walk along Michigan Avenue? the beach?); and a lot of reading. Looking forward to this time.


Barbara B. said…
Woo hoo! Have a GREAT time off!
(Love the picture of the cat!)
Terri said…
thanks. cats really offer the perfect image of "relaxed" don't you think?
Diane M. Roth said…
really. I LOVE Chicago. We have relatives in suburban Chicago and I really wanted to visit them this summer. They love The Dog. We always take the train to the Art Institute one day. And we go to a dog park too.

I get you about the cleaning. I don't like to clean, but I hate having it dirty, and it would be nice to have some good time to really accomplish something.

have a Really, really fun time. with cat. and dogs. Do what rejuvenates you.
Terri said…
diane, when ever you come this way we can arrange a time to meet for coffee or something! In what suburb do they live? north, west, south of the city? I'm northwest.
Gannet Girl said…
We had such a nice time yesterday. We went to the Chicago Botanic Garden for the cloudy earlier part of the day and then to Navy Pier, and had great dinners, Friday in Avondale, where ds lives, and Saturday near Wrigley Field. Maybe next time you and I can meet; I lOVE Chicago.
Jan said…
I know I need to do DEEP cleaning, too. I am impressed at your commitment with your time off to do this--shedding to make more room for God!
Terri said…
GG - when you were at the Botanic Gardens you were only about 25 minutes from where I live, glad you had a good time in our beautiful city. Yes, next time you are here, let's try for a meet up.

Jan - it turns out that I usually move every 6-7 years. And when you move you clean out and around and purge. Well, I have lived here for 6 years. And since it looks like I am not moving any time soon it is clearly time for me clean i am going to do things like move furniture, rearrange, and clean behind and under and paint. My son's room is decorated for a 4th grader...he is now going into 10th...needs a "little" work...but nonetheless, I only want to do this some of the time, and play the rest of the time.
Diane M. Roth said…
Mompriest, I don't know but I think we're west...when we come. I don't know when we will come out next but I hope that we can (every other year we come out over Thanksgiving, but that was last year).
Terri said…
diane, well, if you are so inclined, (or anyone else for that matter) just let me know whenever you are in the area. I'm familiar with most of the Chicago-land area and can find you where you are. it would be fun to meet up!
Rev SS said…
Happy vacation. I love Chicago too .. and visited several times while I was just two hours from you in lower Michigan ('01-'04)! And, last year when I returned to do two weddings. Don't know when I'll be there again ~ darn.
Grace thing said…
mompriest, I tried to email you but not sure I have the full address. Did you leave me the full one?
Anonymous said…
Enjoy your vacation and Chicago!
Mary Beth said…
have a great time! Blessings on your clearing.
Gannet Girl said…
There is a question for you at the end of my Getting Here (IX) post. I hope you'll add the answer there, because I'd like to know, too.

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