RevGals Friday 5- looking back, looking forward

Sally over at RevGals writes:

When I began work here at Downham Market a wise friend told me that after one year I would see a few changes and sense God at work- years two and three would cause me to question and to wonder why I had chosen to accept the post here and in year four I might see the beginnings of something new.

And so with that in mind alongside yesterdays celebrations I bring you Friday 5 Looking back, looking forward... and, since this is posted on my blog I'll add, "watch out for the snakes>" they might bite and hurt...

1. Share a moment/ time of real encouragement in your journey of faith O gosh. thankfully I have had several. I have gone through so many occasions of self-doubt, fear, feelings of being some ways a typical woman in ministry. I am grateful for the people who stood by me through challenges to my ordination process, through various discernment processes, through illness, through parish struggles and hopes and dreams....I have been blessed with a lot of encouragement over the years.

2. Do you have a current vision / dream for your work/ family/ministry? Yes. I have a powerful vision for ministry. It may be lived into in a variety of ways: one way if I stay at my current parish, perhaps another way if I move on to another. BUT regardless, I have a vision for my ministry that involves making a real difference in the world - I mean really changing the world around's a dream. it's a hope. but, it's possible....won't say what exact just yet...

3.Money is no object and so you will..... oh, way too many possibilities - make sure everyone has clean fresh water; make sure everyone has food; make sure everyone has parents who love them and raise them well; make sure women are accepted as true equals; make sure people whose skin color is not the regional "norm" have equal opportunities; make sure that we are sensitive to use of gendered language, i.e. not use "he" when we mean men and women, and not use men when we mean "men and women.." (I'm just saying...)...

4. How do you see your way through the disappointments? What keeps you going? I have learned to get up in the morning, put one foot in front of the other, and keep on walking. I do this because I have faith that somehow God is involved and perhaps I am being guided by God. Of course I continue to pray, discern, and speak with others, to test if what I think I am discerning is in fact what God is calling forth in me...

5. How important are your roots? As I moved away from my family when I was 9 years old and have barely seen these folks (aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, parents) it would hardly seem important. But, I think, since I have been gone from the city of my birth for nearly 35 years, I work harder to remain connected than I would other wise. I yearn for that kind of inter generational connectedness. And I only get hints of it at various times in my life...sigh.

6. Bonus= what would you like to add ? Maybe I will think of somethings tomorrow...right now I am VBS exhausted...


I can relate. And I LOVE the frog!
Hot Cup Lutheran said…
I find the frog kinda creepy... but your answers are tops! impressive indeed for a bible school week! sleep well!
Unknown said…
I really hope you make it through bible school. Really good play. I like your answer to number 3. Well, I like all your answers.
Terri said…
I think the frog is "cute" son had tree frog for many years named "guy" because what else do you name a frog when you are 9?

but then, I am so tired I can barely see I may just be confused...
Diane M. Roth said…
oh, I love your "money is no object"...all I could think of was how wide the world is.. but yes, fix some of the world's problems!!! you are so good...and you were/are first
Rev SS said…
Congrats on being 1st and having such great answers on VBS week yet. (I get to do VBS next week)
Lori said…
Great play for being VBS'd out!!!

Inter-generational connectedness!! I can relate to wanting that.
Sally said…
excellent play- and I love your money no object thoughts!
Anonymous said…
I hope you get to see your vision become reality!
chartreuseova said…
I can feel the excitement in your words as I read about your vision.

Now I can't wait to hear more as you proceed to change the world around you.
Iris said…
I love your #3 answer. All of those things are so basic that it's a sin that they're not already covered. I also can't wait to hear about what you and God have up your sleeve. (Does God have sleeves? hmmmm....)
LutheranHusker said…
Nice play! I especially like (and resonate with) your answer to #4. Sometimes all we have to go on is the faith that somehow God is with us.
hip2b said…
So well played!
Magdalene6127 said…
Beautiful play, especially your vision for ministry. So intrigued about your roots... and you have such a strong and beautiful "root system" that you have built yourself!


Barbara B. said…
I absolutely LOVE what you would do if money were no object...
Rochelle said…
Oh my goodness...I LOVE your answers. Especially 1,2 & 3. I have experienced and longed for those things too--maybe there will be a day of greater equality. Thanks for sharing.

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