RevGals Friday Five: Cultural Choices....

As you may have seen in this Wednesday's Festival, Pottermania has hit the RevGals---though not all of them. Yes, I am all over Harry like a Seeker on the Snitch, but I know there are others who will be ecstatic to see the July madness end.

So today's F5 is a Choose Your Own Adventure: do the magical version or the Muggle one, or both:

Option 1: Accio Friday Five!

1. Which Harry Potter book is your favorite and why? My daughter was just the right age when the first book came out. Our house was Potter-Mania for a few years. But since then, and as my son is not an avid reader (sadly)...well. I haven't taken to reading them on my own. So. I've read the first two and a portion of the third. The rest, I've just seen the movies. Love them, though.

2. Which character do you most resemble? Which character would you most like to get to know? I don't resemble any of them...but I would like to know more about Minerva McGonagall.

3. How careful are you about spoilers? Don't like 'em.

4. Make one prediction/share one hope about book 7. I hope Harry Potter lives and finds some peace in his life, some sense of justice for all his years of turmoil.

5. Rowling has said she's not planning any prequels or sequels, but are there characters or storylines (past or future) that you would like to see pursued? Notsure...

Option 2: Please Mommy, Anything But Those Blankety-Blank Books!

And we do mean anything:

1. Former U.S. First Lady "Lady Bird" Johnson died this week. In honor of her love of the land and the environment, share your favorite flower or wildflower. I really love all flowers. Well, I'mnot too crazy about daisys, except Gerber daisys...

2. A man flew almost 200 miles in a lawn chair, held aloft by helium balloons. Share something zany you'd like to try someday. Well, I think that was just nuts...oh fear of heights??? yeesh. Something zany...I did a lot of fun zany stuff in my 20's before marriage and before the thought of ordination entered my consciousness. I don't have much desire now to be zany. I just want to be content. I'd like to travel and see the world, take a sabbatical and study.

3. Do you have an iPhone? If not, would you want one? No, I don't have one. But, yes, I want one...

4. Speaking of which, Blendtec Blenders put an iPhone in one of their super-duper blenders as part of their "Will It Blend?" series. What would YOU like to see ground up, whizzed up or otherwise pulverized in a blender? This is a tough one. No real ideas here.

5. According to News of the Weird, a jury in Weld County, Colo., declined to hold Kathleen Ensz accountable for leaving a flier containing her dog's droppings on the doorstep of U.S. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, apparently agreeing with Ensz that she was merely exercising free speech. What do you think? Is doggy doo-doo protected by the First Amendment? Oh. why not. I makes a statement. Have a sense of humor. We have become way to litigious in this country.


Diane M. Roth said…
hi, mompriest. I'm with you. I read one and two and part of three during stepson #2's mania, and then I petered out, just as the books started getting longer and longer. I'm curious though... maybe will have to get a Cliff's notes or something and try to catch up!

I really liked the first one
Terri said…
I figure I'll read them one of these days. Or maybe I'll just contnue to enjoy the movies and not worry about the books. I have lots I really want to read...

I guess reading them was just more fun when it was something I was doing with my kids, now, well, I not as motivated to read them just for me..
Anonymous said…
Yeah, doggie doo is not the most creative way to get your message across. Although I can understand how she may have felt...there are a few folks higher up in the administration whose doorsteps are in need of excrement from animals much larger than dogs...
Jan said…
I've read all the HP books and am looking forward to the last one! I'm lucky that MJ will be off at another church camp, so I'll have the book all to myself when it arrives.

And we just saw the latest HP movie today. It was the best of the ones so far, especially as the others haven't been that well done.

Thanks for the lists.
Diane M. Roth said…
MP, I think that was it for me, too. It was knowing that I could talk about it with Stepson 2 that kept me going. And I have lots to read. (I mean LOTS) But hey Jan, go for it!
Diane M. Roth said…
and oh MP, I am just slightly wishing I could put together a great poem like you just did... I think I'm more the essay-type person.
Terri said…
diane, you are too kind. I really just threw that poem together while I was, I guess it's easier to write about what one feels as one is feeling

I think we (husband and I) may go see the new Harry Potter tomorrow...woohoo....I'll let you know.
Diane M. Roth said…
ok... and don't worry about catching up... but I'm hoping that you get your vacation soon and it proves to be relaxing and rewarding!
Terri said…
thanks. Three more Sunday's and then vacation...not that I am going anywhere, just playing at home. but then, in the Chicago area I have lots of choices for playing: art fairs, museums, the beach...sigh.
Diane M. Roth said…
Yes, you do!!! I love the Chicago Art Museum. We just watched Ferris Beuller's Day Off (again) to remind us how great Chicago is. (Scout likes it too, although she doesn't get to the Museum).
Terri said…
Ferris Beuller, what a funny movie...even old as it is, still funny. I'm going to the Art Institute in a few weeks to meet a good friend that I only see once a year. (She lives in NYC and comes this way every summer). Looking forward to it and hoping it's one fo those great summer evenings so we can have a glass of wine at some outdoor garden...and watch people walking by...
Rev SS said…
Okay, where to start? First, good job, playing both FF. I love Chicago ... and I want to go to NYC. Could we have a revgal event there??
Diane M. Roth said…
I'd love to have a revgal event in chicago...
Terri said…
Anytime you all want to come out this way (or down) works for me. I'll play.

And didn't we talk about going to Portland next summer for their blues fest?
Barbara B. said…
yes... Portland... next summer... blues fest!!!
Diane M. Roth said…
now just have one year to convince husband how fun it would be...
Terri said…
Oh, it will be fun. Really. barbara, can you get dates???

And, can we do the RevGals in March and the blues fest in the summer?

I think so...
hip2b said…
May I suggest the Harry books on CD? THe reader Jim Dale, has won grammies for his performances and then you can...fold laundry or make dinner or something while you listen...or if you have a car ride.
BTW, The Interview in a few weeks is in your part of the world. Relatively. Thanks for your encouragement.
Terri said…
Oh woohoo! Let me know if you are near by, either for a visit or a move...I'll help anyway I can.

And, thanks for the reminder, I have listened to books on "tape" (how old is that) especially for long car trips with kids. So. maybe that's how I'll "read" these HP...good idea!
Unknown said…
Good double play for both. I haven't even seen all the movies.

And when would you have time to read anyway? Hope you get the sabbatical.

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