RevGals Friday Five: Floods and Droughts

1. Have you experienced living through an extreme weather event- what was it and how did you cope? Several. I lived through the huge snowstorm of 1968. I was in middle school and living in Wisconsin, big time snow. But, as I remember, no snow days. Off we trudged walking to school. We've had bitter cold long snowy winters in the Chicago area and terrible heat waves and droughts (1995) when people were dying from the heat.

2. How important is it that we wake up to issues such as global warming? Very important. I am appalled at how little people really think about it. Seems folks in my area are more interested in convenience and comfort, the environment is someone else's problem. Me, I try to be "green." I only use the A/C when I really have too (over 90 degrees, high humidity, night time so I can sleep). I prefer fans. I recycle everything I can.

3. The Christian message needs to include stewardship of the earths resources agree/ disagree? Agree. Which to me means that we care for all the earth and the earth's creatures.

And because it is summer- on a brighter note....

4. What is your favourite season and why? I like 'em all. I love summer, and heat, and sun, and shorts, sandals and tee shirts. But then I love it when the weather turns cool and crisp and I can put on layers of clothes. I love the fall leaves and a walk on a sunny autumn day. Then, I love it when it turns cold and snowy, snuggled up with a cup of tea and a good book. (Ok, I don't really like to be OUTSIDE when it's cold, I just like to look at it...).

5. Describe your perfect vacation weather....warm. Sunny. But not too hot.


chartreuseova said…
Air conditioning is one area we tend to do poorly. I'd like to eventually move to a house with better air circulation patterns and without the annoying orientation that brings the afternoon sun in through our sliding glass door at the same time I'm preparing dinner.
Terri said…
Yes, the layout of the house, and its construction are so important when thinking "green"...
Sally said…
We have no such thing as air conditioning here, though we did use it when we lived in Texas- I wonder now if I would dare to do without it and to adapt my lifestyle- I like to think I would...
Anonymous said…
I remember a few Wisconsin snowstorms myself :)
Scott said…
Yes, fresh air and fans usually trump AC for us, unless it's an absolute necessity. Green construction is so important! Great play.
Diane M. Roth said…
We use AC more than we should. Allergy and window construction problems... but I like circulation and fresh air better (I just want it to be cool at night).
Great play! and yes, on the seasons...
Jan said…
I could not live without AC in south Texas. I don't know why anyone even settled here before electricity! It is too hot and numid. I feel badly with how AC running so much affects the environment, but I'm too selfish to live without it.
Unknown said…
So how hot would it have to be, to be *too* hot?
Terri said…
I've found that it is a combination of heat and humidity that determines when I turn the a/c on. Usually though if it is over 90 and more than 70% humidity then the a/c goes on. I can take 90's if the humidity is lower. But I can't sleep at night without the a/c if it is in the 80's or if the humidity is up...if this makes any sense...?

I think I really just like to have the windows open so I can hear the birds and feel the wind...
Lori said…
I'm bad about A/C too. Gotta have it. But if I could I'd have solar powered appliances.

And you like all seasons so Madame Presbygal predicts a happy life all through for you!
Barbara B. said…
I love all the seasons too! (Great Friday Five play!)
Rev SS said…
I'm with you on numbers 2 & 3. And, living here in Washington, where there's seldom bitter cold and snow or extreme heat, I can say I like all seasons too (even tho' October and fall are by far my favorite) But, if I still lived in hot humid south in the summer or bitter cold in the winter, I wouldn't be able to say that!

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