A Vision of Light

I am coming to the end of a very busy long week of hosting Vacation Bible School at small church. It's really a blast. I love have all the kids around and the hustle and bustle. But it takes five hours of my day just to do it, and that's with a lot of help. I'm not even in charge of VBS, just the pastor of the church, (ok, so I'm in charge that way - in the real big picture way of parish ministry). But I have a director and she has lots of help. So. I can only imagine how tired I'd be if I did more...still, on top of that has been my usual weekly work load, and laundry, and meals, and dog walking, and exercising, and a few meetings...etc.

And, of course, there's that sermon waiting to be written...sigh...

Tonight, however, I'm going to take it easy. I'm going to walk my dogs. Make a simple supper, 'cuz my husband is working late. I'm going to have a nice glass of wine, with supper, and read "A Vision of Light." This book will be the subject of the RevGals book club conversation on Monday - and for once I will have read all of the book we are discussing. And, I really like this book. Can't wait to delve into it again tonight. Can't wait for the book club conversation on Monday...


Diane M. Roth said…
I'm not going to be able to read it, which I'm sad about. I love to read! i have too many books going at one time! (I can hear Jesus saying to me, Martha, Martha you are distracted by too many books... only one of them is needful RIGHT NOW)
Terri said…
I do know what you mean. One of my summer "disciplines" is to read only fiction - so thankfully this fit that category AND the local library had it in stock on Monday (ahem, I mean just a few days ago...so, I didn't really plan on reading it, I just am).
Anonymous said…
I too suffer from the "too many books" syndrome. It's due to the wonderful public library system we have here!
Terri said…
kievas, I try to sort out what I read when ie scholarly or churchy books during the program year (Sept - May) and fiction, non churchy books over the summer. Gives me permission to categorize what I read when...somehow it helps me...otherwise what I want to read can be overwhelming...

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