
I want to post a poem. Actually I want to post the lyrics from an Indigo Girl's song: "Closer To Fine." I have written an email asking permission to post these on my blog. We'll see if I get a response and permission. In the mean time. I'm waiting.

Waiting for my meeting tonight with the vestry (governing board) where we will set our goals for next year.

Waiting for a return phone call with the Canon of Pastoral Care to discuss a brilliant idea I have...hah.

Waiting for my kitchen floor to dry, since I just washed it.

Waiting for the mail to come. In case there is something exciting instead of just bills. (hah hah)

Waiting until I get vacation, three more weeks.

Waiting for our land to sell. (part of brilliant idea I want to discuss with the Canon).

Waiting for my son to get of school and my daughter to call.


Waiting for what life has in store.

Waiting until the dry season ends and I feel fruitful again.

Waiting until this desert time has passed and I am no longer creatively parched.

Waiting until the harvest which always follows season like this. When all feels dull, dry, parched, empty.


Gannet Girl said…
It seems that you've posted a poem of your own.
Terri said…
It's a work in progress. I've been changing it even as you read it. So, yes. maybe a poem of my own...
Jan said…
That's what I immediately thought when I read about all your waiting--it's a poem! Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Closer to Fine...my favorite Indigo Girls song! Meanwhile, I enjoyed the poem.
mmmm... seriously when you can write like that why post Indigo Girls? ok it is a mighty fine toe-tapper and all...

waiting is active... it takes energy even if we can't "see it" or "feel it" and in fact feel as if we are doing nothing but uhm waiting... active. hard work.

to squish my own dulldrums I took the day away and off. did nothing fabulous just didn't work. council was last night and visioning was good - not great - but good, solid, I am happy with that. Thank you for your prayers. I lifted a few up on your behalf for tonight.
Terri said…
Kievas, it is a good song. I am really enjoying Indigo Girls this summer...

HCL - glad to hear your meeting went well. Sometimes good is enough. I'm always pleased with good, because well, it is a process after all. and maybe sometime soon, after good, we'll get inspirational....
Diane M. Roth said…
1. I love indigo girls. I brought one with me on vacation.
2. what you wrote about waiting is so true and a poem. quite eloquent. I' ve been thinking more about poetry these days, reading, writing, etc. (although haven't written any myself).
3. feels weird writing from up here.
Unknown said…
I love your poem. Look for a little package early next week. :-)
Diane M. Roth said…
sometimes new creativity comes when we feel dead and dry...
hey, miss you
Diane M. Roth said…
I've always (also) wondered about that phrase... "in the mean time"... sometimes it is Mean, isn't it?
Terri said…
Yes. mean as in mean girls. mean. and sometimes it just that in bewteen time...

Just returned from the vestry meeting. It was a powerful visioning session with some creative new ideas for our land. we're going to investigate building a retreat center instead of selling it. WOW. a powerful change. Need to explore funding and see what we can come up with. may be really out there. may be the Holy Spirit...

thanks everyone for the feedback on the poem. (SB, I'll watch the mail!! something other than bills whoohoo)...
Unknown said…
I like your poem.

We do have to wait a lot don't we.

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