A Poem by Denise Levertov

For the New Year

I have a small grain of hope -
one small crystal that gleams
clear colors out of transparency.

I need more.

I break off a fragment
to send you.

Please take
this grain of a grain of hope
so that mine won't shrink.

Please share your fragment
so that yours will grow.

Only so, by division,
will hope increase,

like a clump of irises, which will cease to flower
unless you distribute
the clustered roots, unlikely source -
clumsy and earth-covered -
of grace.

this is a hint of my hope for the church program year ahead...and, well, my life in general. I need all the hope I can get. From me. And, from you.


Diane M. Roth said…
ooh, I really like this one! I'm going to be reading more! all you need is a small grain of hope, right? just like faith the size of a mustard seed.
RevDrKate said…
One of the things I consider my chosen roles in life is as a "hope holder" for those who cannot for a time do it for themselves.... perhaps as well as holding I will add dividing and scattering some to my tasks. If we all took some and shared some and scattered some.....
semfem said…
"I come not to bring peace to the earth, but division!"

I totally used the iris image in my sermon on Sunday. Love it!
Gannet Girl said…
Oh, I love that phrase "hope holder." Perhaps that explains in a nutshell why so many people in my completely nonreligious family are so excited by my completely inexplicable journey off to seminary.
Terri said…
Poetry - I've been reading a lot Denise Levertov lately. Many of the poems, from books from the library, are political poems from the Vietnam war era. Still very relevant in many ways...but also dated. But this one really spoke to me last night. I'm glad it spoke to eaach of you as well. I should add, while I hope for hope on the many levels of my life, I will also hope for hope in yours wherever you are in this journey that God has called us on...
Earth-covered grace...may grace flow and cover you in all the days ahead.
Terri said…
isn't that a cool phrase, "earth- covered-of grace"...
Jan said…
Thank you--I love this. Only by sharing (division) will it increase. Hope we share together to spread out to the world.
Jan said…
Mompriest, I liked this so much that I had to link it at my blog. Thanks!
Terri said…
You're welcome - cool, and thanks!
Rev SS said…
"only by division will hope increase" and "hope holder" ... such lovely images to encourage us all along the journey ... thank you
Tripp Hudgins said…
Thank you. I needed this.
Terri said…
gleams clear colors out of transparency

I need more

I break some off and send it to you

please take it so mine won't shrink

wow. How is that for a sign of grace in community....
Lori said…
Now I know why irises have always been my favorite flower.

Thanks so much.
Terri said…
PG - good metaphor for life, loving irises in many forms...

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