RevGals Friday Five: Stress Buster

From RevGals

1. First, and before we start busting stress, what causes you the most stress, is it big things or the small stuff ? I have a lot of stress in my life right now, most of it financial. I don't want to go into the details, suffice it to say the four years have been very difficult. It's a BIG thing that is making all the small stuff feel difficult, like breathing.

2. Exercise or chocolate for stress busting ( or maybe something else) ? Both. I exercise in the morning and have chocolate in the afternoon.

3.What is your favourite music to chill out to? I like a lot of different types of music, just nothing to heavy and intense, no heavy metal, screaming punk, or what I call "heavy metal symphony"...otherwise I like a lot. coldplay is good, Celtic music, flute or piano, Dixie Chicks or Indigo Girls, Elvis Costello, Neil Young.

4. Where do you go to chill? A long walk with my dogs in the woods. Or on my deck with a glass of wine. Or in my reading room with a cup of coffee or tea. A good book helps too.

5. Extrovert or introvert, do you relax at a party, or do you prefer a solitary walk? I'm a little of each, if I have enough solitary time then I enjoy a good party.

Bonus- share your favourite stress busting tip! A steaming hot bath just before bedtime with some fragrant oil or bubbles, a good long soak, with a cup of relaxing least it works well in the winter...or take some time off and away from the usual routine, do something different to get some perspective...pray, read a good book or poetry, clean the house (always helps), cook a good meal and eat it leisurely, watch a movie...anything to change the rhythm.


Mary Beth said…
Good on you with #2! now that is a balanced approach to life!
I have aspirations to do #2! Reading a great book, or even a re-read, also works for me. I am getting some great reminders on this play. Thanks.
Di said…
This is a great play, all of these things are wonderful. (Though I admit that I particularly enjoy the picture.)
mandyc said…
great play - and I love the picture!! I admire your balance - you seem more of a "both/and" kind of person than an "either/or" which is something I'm still working on in myself.
revhipchick said…
wonderful play!

love your playlist!
Deb said…
"Change the rhythm" - I like that. It's exactly what I end up doing!

hip2b said…
Cleaning house?
Oh mompriest you are a woman of many talents!
rev h-d said…
Clean the House!!! I would rather do my taxes, wax something, write 100 sermons due next week. Anything other than clean (she says knowing that he in-laws are on their way to visit and the house is a total wreck!)
The bubble bath and tea sound wonderful. And I love the pic!
Rev SS said…
Nice play. So hear you on #1, been there, praying next 4 are better. And, even tho' I commented to RevDrKate that I was with her on the parties, your answer to #5 really says it best ... if it's a party where I know and like the people attending.
Diane M. Roth said…
yes, your balanced approach is perfect. chocolate AND exercise.
oh wait let me turn the heavy metal music down... okay - changing the rhythym - I like that advice alot!!
Terri said…
haahaa, HCL...

I just returned from a fab day in Chicago with my husband...checking in to see how the game is going.

I really really really do not enjoy heavy metal, sets my nerves on end, like nails on a chalk board - but, wow, most other music I can get in to, depending on my mood.
Lori said…
Changing the rhythm and bubble baths. Those sound really good to me right now.

As for finances...Money problems are always pesky. The hardest place to be is worrying about them, because that never makes it better. And it's even harder to stop. Even though that's the first step to fixing them. I learned the hard way myself about "the law of supply". And I'm afraid I may have to learn again sometime. But perhaps not. Meanwhile, the best I can tell you today is to have what you own and own what you have. And give away everything else. Rather like a riddle from the Alice in Wonderland caterpillar. And it's not all just about stuff and cash. And if this has nothing to do with your current sitch, my apologies.
Terri said…
pbg, it's really more about post 911 stuff: husband trying to rebuild a career that was cut off from economic fall out (after 17 years with one company who'd imagine they'd go out of business leaving him without a job) combined with a growing kid who is being launched into her chosen profession...
Terri said…
pbg, thank you for understanding...
Anonymous said…
Loved your answer to #2...that's the way to do it!

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