RevGals Friday Five: De-clutter Edition

1. Are you a hoarder or a minimalist? a little of each...I keep things for awhile, and then I purge and throw away almost everything. In the past I have moved every few years and that is a great way to purge. (LOL)...Now that I am staying put longer I have to be intentional about cleaning out.

2. Name one important object (could be an heirloom) that you will never part with. My photo albums and pictures...

3. What is the oldest item in your closet? Does it still fit???. I have some blouses and skirts I wore when I worked for the interior design firm 25 years ago... The blouses may fit but not the skirts - after having babies my waistline is forever changed

4.Yard sales- love 'em or hate 'em ? hate 'em...other people's junk is not my treasure...

5. Name a recycling habit you really want to get into. I'd like to have a compost heap and add food items like the peelings from fruits and veggies...

And for a bonus- well anything you want to add....


Jan said…
Mompriest, thanks. You're right above me in the RevGal comments, so I had to visit you first. I'm surprised I could create a link with Sally's instructions--good instructions!

I'm impressed that you want to start a compost pile.
compost pile - gardens - canning all noble. good earth things. however... the bees the black & yellow fat, really loud buzzzzzing kind of bees love compost piles. i'm simply not that brave. bravo to you!
Jennifer said…
oooh! composting -- I didn't even think of that. It's on my list of things to do when I have a house/home, not an apartment :)

PS-- new blog
chartreuseova said…
I go through the hoard and purge cycles too. However, after clearing out my parent's house a few years I've done much more purging.
Diane M. Roth said…
oh I was thinking of composting too. I don't know if I ever will, bt I think it's a good idea.
Anonymous said…
There seem to be a lot of people interested in composting. I'm convinced it sounds easier than it is (most things are) but maybe I'll find out next year.
Lori said…
I do the same with hoarding and purging as you do. Does that make us "stuff bulimics"? I'm sure there's a 12 step program for it somewhere. Though it's likely I'd need a 24 step program.
Moving every few years does help, but I just hate all the packing and unpacking that goes with the move.
Terri said…
oh gosh, the thought of packing everything and moving completely overwhelms me these days....
leah said…
fun play--i tend sort of toward hoard & purge too, but mainly i wanted to mention i have a friend who's done composting forever, and you should see how wonderful his garden is! i've blogged some pics of it somewhere...

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