Dancing....(with the stars)...oh, to dream!

Most of you do not know that I was a dance major. Yes, my BA is from Columbia College, Chicago, a special major in Dance, 1978...

Once again I am watching "Dancing with the Stars." I can't help myself. I love it.

Our Diocesan Convention, held in Nov. meets over a Friday and Sat. Friday night always ends with a rock and roll band and dancing. Clergy and Bishops dancing like there is no tomorrow - and our parishioners being reminded that their clergy are also human beings....

It's a good thing.

Now the lead singer of the band that plays at our convention has put his name is to be Bishop of this Diocese...

I don't know what I think about that....(it seems a bit peculiar)...(but maybe that's just me).

(I mean, would he still sing in the band if he were elected Bishop?)

(and would that be really really weird?)...

I'm just thinkin'.....


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