And in my town, it's the High School Homecoming Weekend...

Coming up, will it be: Lamentations, Habakkuk, Psalm 137 or Psalm 37, 2 Timothy, or Luke - pick your team players! Me, if I were preaching, would go with the Gospel, Luke 17:5-10. I'd ponder what it means to be "rooted" in faith like a mulberry tree planted in the sea. I wonder about how the rootedness of faith would shape and form the way I live my life. I wonder about how faith informs the things we do in every day ordinary ways - like Jesus speaking to the disciples about their faith. He says their faith is enough, it is rooted, now it just needs to be lived. Slaves were everyday ordinary HARD working folk, disciples should be the same, living faith in everyday ordinary hard working ways so that the Kingdom of God can come near.

But to live life in ordinary ways we need to be fortified. Especially when ordinary life includes exciting things (like play off games and High School Homecoming and sermon prep). So to keep us well nourished I'll be around all day. The first meal will be pancakes, eggs (how do you like 'em), bacon and sausage, French Toast, real maple syrup and butter. Next meal, turkey wraps in flat bread with Munster cheese and lettuce. Dinner will be an assortment of grilled meats with salads. A choice of beverages will be flowing all day, or bring your own.

Last week Abi hosted a fabulous Southern Buffet, and this week I'm going to return the favor and strive to host a Northern Brunch. Have a seat, what can I get you?

Ladies and Gentlemen, strap on your helmets, it's time to fortify ourselves for "game time"...

....let the party begin!


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