Birth Day

After 29 hours of labor (10am Saturday morning until 3pm Sat. afternoon)...two little twin girls were born into this world. Zoe was born at 2:44 this afternoon, weighing 4lbs. 8.1 oz, 17 inches long...and Lily was born at 2:54, weighing 4lbs 9.5 oz, 17.5 inches long. Both girls, despite being 6 weeks pre-mature are breathing on their own. Next we need to see if they are able to eat on their own, eliminate what they eat, and gain weight. Once that is all happening, they go home.

What an amazing 36 hours it has been! I'm really tired. I am also really grateful the babies are born and all is well.


Praise God! Blessings on mom and daughters and friend....
Rev SS said…
Giving God thanks here too. Glad you got to be there and that all is well.
RevDrKate said…
Awesome, truly....blessings abound. Thanks be to God!
revhipchick said…
wonderful! congratulations for all!

blessings and more blessings!
rev h-d said…
Congrats to you and your friend! What an amazing thing. Praying that all goes well and they come home soon. Blessings!
Lori said…
What a blessing for them that you could be there! Prayers the babes make it just fine.
Gannet Girl said…
How incredibly exciting! And how wonderful for you to be able to share in the arrival(s)!
Jan said…
This is so wonderful. I'm glad the babies are that big. They'll do well starting at that size. Blessings.
Diane M. Roth said…
hurray and praise God. It's so awesome that you were able to be there.
Terri said…
Ahhh, thank you everyone. I am still processing the experience, which almost reduces me to tears when I share it with others..


spoke to my friend today, babies are still doing well. She is pumping well and giving them what she has to offer from breast milk. She has been able to hold them. She says they cry when they are moved, but quiet as soon as she holds them to her cool is that!

I spent my day doing some Christmas shopping with my sisters in laws. I was reall exhausted, but still managed to get some stuff done...
Diane M. Roth said…
it's exhausting just to think about it. but how wonderful.
Barbara B. said…
wow, yes, wonderful!
zorra said…
Wonderful! Praise God!

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