Going to birth some babies...

In the midst of this snow storm, my friend is at the hospital in labor. The Bishop is visiting my church tomorrow and has released my from the services so I can be the birth coach. So. I'm off to birth some babies!!! Oh, and she's at 34 weeks, so all should be ok....

Prayers for all will be most appreciated.


lauraj said…
Love and prayers for all.
Diane M. Roth said…
oh, my! You are delivering a different kind of sermon:)
blessings on you...
Unknown said…
Thinking of you both today!
Barbara B. said…
Wow, yes, prayers!
Unknown said…
I hope by now everything is good and well.
Crimson Rambler said…
How exciting, how joyful! and what a lovely story you will have to tell about "the day you were born"!
Jan said…
Prayers, of course. Can't wait to hear about the babies!
Diane M. Roth said…
just checking in for an update....

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