Gratitude Reflection Day 4

Another day. I rose early, I have an appointment about an hour away. The rest of household is sleeping. Except the dogs, who wanted to be fed, and let outside, and loved. It's quiet here.

I love the quiet early morning. The first light of the sun glistening on the snow. Deep red and pink hues spraying across the pale blue sky. And then, in a matter of moments, the color changes to a pale yellow, the sun has risen.

It is a very cold morning here with temperatures in the teens. And then in a few days they are predicting rain. The rain and sleet may come on Sunday, and if so, may hamper my flight out. I am scheduled to leave at 2:30 in the afternoon. And, if all goes well I will be in 70 degree weather a few hours later. I pray for calm weather and easy flying.

I am excited about this trip and the potential it holds. If I am offered the position it will be very different from what I have been doing for the last seven years...

This morning I am grateful for the seasons. I love just a little bit of winter. I am grateful for opportunities for change. Life has it's seasons too, and I am grateful for that. Some of life's seasons are very difficult, others are not. But within the changing of the seasons lies hope. And, I live in hope. If I had to define one quality of my life it would be hope. Which, is also, grace. Last night I read this quote from Jurgen Moltmann, Theology of Hope, pg. 25:

"Hope alone is to be called 'realistic', because it alone takes seriously the possibilities with which all reality is fraught. It does not take things as they happen to stand or lie, but as progressing, moving things with possibilities of change. Only as long as the world and the people in it are in a fragmented and experimental state which is not yet resolved, is there any sense in earthly hopes. The latter anticipate what is possible to realisty, historic aand moving as it is, and use their influence to decide the processess of history. Thus hopes and anticipations of the future are not a trasnfiguring glow superimposed on a darkened exisitience, but are realistic ways of perceiving the scope of our real possibilities, and as such they set everything in motion and keep it in a state of change."

Life is, I think, fragmented and experimental, unresolved, and full of hope for all things possible. That is what I am most grateful for today.


"Hope as perceiving our real possibilities". Oh, I really like that. Blessings on your journey today and for hope in what the Spirit has in store for you.
Gannet Girl said…
Beautiful understanding of hope in all its complexities. Thank you for that.
rev h-d said…
I love Moltmann! Such beauty and peace and real thought in his words. ((mompriest))
Hot Cup Lutheran said…
may your trip be fruitful & safe. and hope...where would we be without the peace it provides?
Blessings and prayers on your journey and this next stage of discernment for both you and the community.
Mary Beth said…
You never know what's around the corner, do you?

Safe and fruitful travels!
Jan said…
I love to read what you write!

Wishing you a safe and renewing journey.
Anonymous said…
Prayers for safe travel and opportunities that lie ahead.
Katherine E. said…
Beautiful post. Simply beautiful.
RevDrKate said…
That was really lovely...gratitude for all that is not yet...very cool!
Diane M. Roth said…
prayers for you on this journey...

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