Baby Z and Little L

Baby Z is on the left. Little L is on the right. This proud Godmother is beaming! Aren't they beautiful...sigh...


Rev SS said…
they are beautiful, indeed! thanks for the picture, and blessings to them and their Godmother ... and parents
Barbara B. said…
Oh my gosh, how CUTE!!!! You can't help but smile when looking at this picture!
Jan said…
Beautiful little blessings from God!
Gannet Girl said…
Oh they are so lovely! How I remember those days - and tomorrow they will be 23.
Diane M. Roth said…
just gorgeous, really gorgeous!
Jan said…
So beautiful! You're lucky to be their godmother!
Terri said…
Oh, and by the way...a month old yesterday...a month!
dust bunny said…
Reminds me of putting our twins in the same bassinet, with room to spare. Took my eyes off them for 30seconds and now they're 15.

Yep....Baby Z and Little L are definitely gush-worthy.
Grace thing said…
Beautiful babies, just beautiful. Snug as bugs.
Gorgeous godbabies! When you said how happy they were to be reunited the other day I thought of what Sally told me when I was there last summer: her twins would sleep in the same crib and suck each other's thumbs. She figured they must have been doing it inside too.
Unknown said…
This is simply the proof that God does miracles for those who have faith that raises mountain of joy!
Sally said…
wow- that brings back memories- my twins used to sleep together like that.... ahhhh
RevDrKate said…
Oh gush and sigh wonderful to see them together so peaceful and know how much a part of all this you have been. "Godmother" seems a very fitting name here.....
Jennifer said…
Breathtakingly beautiful.
Jennifer said…
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Lori said…
They look so healthy! And peaceful. Thanks for sharing the picture. Sweet babies!
Mary Beth said…
They are wonderful!! Thanks for sharing this!
God, they are gorgeous! Who wouldn't want to bury their face in their little baby smell. I love-other peoples-babies!
My one and only godchild is 38 (SHOCK) and is living temporarily in NYC while her husband does his residency in surgery. I feel lucky. She has been in Turkey, Taiwan, and Mexico for the last 10 or so years. I still remember holding her at the baptismal font while the priest said the words, a lifetime ago.
Awww, sweet little things! I love that little baby smell too. :-) Nothing in the world like a newborn--times 2!

I just read your post at the preacher party. I am DISGUSTED, DISMAYED, and plain ANGRY!

I am praying. God, hear our prayers for this sweet family.

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