My Birthday and other things

Today is my birthday. I'm now 51. Funny how this one snuck up on me, busy as I am. Last year I was all freaked out about turning 50 - and this one barely hits the radar....

Besides I am thinking a lot about the shooting at NIU, not too far from where I live - kids from the parish attend school there. As far as I know, all are safe...but six or seven others have died....these shootings are breaking my heart...why are kids thinking this is "good" idea? What are we as a society teaching them? We have some serious work to do.

At the very least, when will we do something about the easy availability of guns - especially high powered automatic guns? I know making them illegal will not solve the problem but it would be a start. Then what about all the violent movies and tv shows? What about the war? What about all the ways we are desensitizing ourselves to violence, pain, suffering? And what about these hurting kids who think actions like this are a solution to their own pain? Yeah, is evil alive and well in this world? I'd say so.

Please pray for these kids, this community, all involved...

I am also running off to the office to take care of the parish admin things because she went to get her son from NIU - and of course spend the day with him. I think he is a little tramatized (ok, that sounds naive - I know he must be)...

Then I have to do all my usual Friday work and then run home to head off for the Ministry Discernment Weekend. I will be gone through Sunday (yay, happy birthday to me, spending it doing this)...(actually this will be a prayerful, quiet, reflective weekend, a break from the pace of life recently, so it will be good in that regard - and my family and I will celebrate on Sunday).

Here is something to be joyful for, in the midst of pain, sorrow, fear, discernment, aging, etc....

A new picture of Little L with her arm around Baby Z. They are now 9 weeks...


Unknown said…
I hate to point it out, but you going to have to update your profile now.

Happy Birthday!
Happy B-Day. Love the new pictures of the twins.
Jennifer said…
Happy birthday.
I love this post because it's a microcosm of what your life sounds liek right now: joy, hard things, looking back, looking ahead.

Blessings to you.
Barbara B. said…
Happy Birthday! Welcome to the "51 Club" (glad you caught up with me!) :)

Yes, the shootings are breaking my heart too...

That picture is incredibly cute.
Sally said…
Happy Birthday!!!

The twins are georgeous!

and the shootings- what can we do but pray...
Lori said…
Happy Birthday you young thing!

Look how big and beautiful those twins are! I love how they're all cuddled up.
Diane M. Roth said…
Happy Birthday, and GREAT picture!
wish you a blessed weekend.... see you later.
Jeanine Byers said…
Happy Birthday!! :)

rev h-d said…
Happy birthday!
In the misdt of suffering and lost it is wonderful to be reminded that God indeed is still with us blessing us. If we doubt that all we must do is look at those precious little girls!
Jan said…
Sweet, sweet picture.

Rev SS said…
Dang! I was so pround of myself for commenting Happy B'day on your previous post .. and it's not there. So, again, Happy B'day.

Amen to all your comments about violence ...

and thanks for the cute picture.
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday! Your post makes me think that among the pain and tragedy, there is still the hope of new life.
Tripp Hudgins said…
Happy Birthday, Mompriest. A friend is a priest in another nearby town...I've been chatting with him about the whole NIU horror show. It is terrible.

Peace to you and those you love.
beautiful photo.
happy b-day!
Gannet Girl said…
Oh, those babies are so beautiful!

Happy Birthday!
RevDrKate said…
It is all so true..the complete randomness of it is the thing that makes it so hard to comprehend. And meanwhile we have life in the midst...your birthday (may it be happy), discerning calls, you getting ready to start your new one... and of course these beautiful new lives growing every day. An amazing mix, isn't it?
Mary Beth said…
happy bday late!!
Grace thing said…
Happy Birthday! I CAN'T TAKE HOW CUTE THOSE BABIES ARE! LOOK AT THEM ALL SNUGGLED UP! It's just painfully beautifully squishy cute.

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