The pain, denial, rejection, and suffering, of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane is over. The darkness of Good Friday has passed. The tomb of Holy Saturday, pointed us to examine the shadow side of life: of evil and darkness; toward all the ways people attempt to lock away God’s love. Now, the tomb is split open and Jesus is on the move again. No human effort can ever contain God. As a congregation we have walked the way of the cross, followed the footsteps of Jesus. We have washed feet, prayed through the night at the altar of repose, knelt at the cross, and rejoiced as the light of Christ came into the world once more. Together we journeyed through the Triduum of Holy Week and embrace the most ancient traditions of our faith.Today we sing our Alleluia’s and celebrate Easter. Each year Easter comes – it comes to assure us that nothing we do will ever stop God from doing God’s work in the world. Celebrating Holy Week, worshiping though the three services of Maundy Thursday, Good Frida...