Holy Week

Today I drove two hours north to attend the Diocesan Chrism Mass at the Cathedral. It was interesting to be present at this annual Holy Week gathering of clergy and renewal of ordination vows, particularly to be present at such a big gathering of clergy and know no one. I knew almost everyone before I left the Diocese of Chicago. Now I know no one. Well, except the deacon who drove up with me and one clergy person who attended CREDO with me a year ago. Luckily that person recognized me and introduced me to others. I missed seeing all my friends and colleagues, but it was still ok.

The Chrism mass was a lot like the one I am used too...in form and structure. Glad to have somethings feel familiar. Actually a lot feels familiar. I love the feel of the air outside, dry and warm and fresh. I like the mountains and vast open spaces. I like having a staff.

The rest of the week will be busy - a lot of meetings tomorrow (Wed) plus a funeral. Various meetings on Thursday plus the Maundy Thurs. service. Then Friday services followed by the Great Vigil on Sat. and then Easter Day. Next week life will begin to seek some kind of equilibrium. I hope.

I hope your week is going well.


dust bunny said…
You definitely hit the floor running once the move was over!
Stay healthy.
Lori said…
Sounds like you are "sallying forth" in many good ways.
semfem said…
You seem so non-frantic about beginning a new phase of life during a very busy phase of the year...it's actually rather inspiring!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's good to see you again.
Diane M. Roth said…
prayers and blessings on your new ministry. oh -- and a funeral right away.

I think you are so prepared for this call.
jeepers you've really got alot happening there but you seem so excited & fresh for it all...

sort of like in "Lazarus-terms" you were unbound, and freed up for doing this. yeah!
RevDrKate said…
It is one of the things I love about our church...that you can go "there" and it's "here"....different but the same, there is a kind of comfort in that, isn't there? Sounds like you are indeed getting off to a good and fast start. Prayers and blessings in this Big Week.
Rachel said…
blessings in all things new...
Jan said…
You sound happier even in the newness and unknowingness of the move. That certainly sounds like a liminal space, doesn't it? Wishing you peace during this busy Holy Week.
Anonymous said…
I agree, sounds like you barely skipped a beat in making the transition!
Rev SS said…
You do sound happy, and settled ... already. What a great move for you. Blessings n the rest of your Holy Week.

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