Not the Roadrunner of my childhood...


When I was a little girl I loved the wiley coyote and roadrunner cartoon. I think I always sided with the road runner and had no sympathy for the coyote, who just seemed petty and stupid.

This was all the more so when I arrived in the southwest and saw roadrunners. They are small, fast birds and roam around the arroyos.

But all of that changed the other day. Into my back yard, where I have a bird feeder...and where I enjoy a vast array of beautiful birds, came a road runner with dinner in its mouth.

Road runners are carnivores. I'm not sure what it had but it was some little baby critter - a bird probably. Well. I became that coyote fast as can be and ran outside yelling at this thing as it tried to have dinner on my patio. My dog came with - she loves to help me discipline - and ran around barking her short bark that says - NO!

Now. I also know that we have coyote around here...but I have yet to see any...I'm pretty sure I won't like them much either...

Or rather, I like the road runners and the coyote, just not in my backyard!


imngrace said…
Road runners, coyotes, gila monsters...oh my! What an adventure. Continued prayers for you and your daughter.
Barbara B. said…
Did you hear "Meep Meep!" ?
dust bunny said…
I remember feeling a little sorry for Wily Coyote.....always hungry..always scheming. And always getting blasted by that hyperactive Roadrunner.
Anonymous said…
You're discovering all kinds of strange critters these days :)
wow! that's so cool! i didn't know they were carnivores!
Crimson Rambler said…
another illusion shattered, sigh...
you don't have anything in your garage stamped "ACME" do you????
Jan said…
Too funny. You related the story very well. Thanks. Deflating to pop the bubble-image of roadrunner cartoons.
Jennifer said…
You're in such a new and different place.
I keep your daughter and you in my prayers.
Jennifer said…
Thank you for the message on my blog, Mompriest, and for your prayers.
Diane M. Roth said…
they're not always so easy to spot! great post.
Diane M. Roth said…
I should ask my sister about... they love birds too, and live near you...
Your post made me smile. And I love the name of your blog. I'm a writer and finding my authentic voice is a concern for me too.
Diane M. Roth said…
just thinkin' so it NIMBY for coyotes and roadrunners...:)...

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