Another day, another game!
RevSS has tagged me to play a summer meme. Whoo hoo for summer, I say! 1.) What first tells you that Summer is here? Well, in Chicago it was easy - the first hot and humid day. It usually happened in late May or early June. The temps would go from moderate to MUCK in a day. Hot and humid, dripping kind of weather. Here in the SW it has been summer like for months. But now I guess the real summer is about to hit. The forecast predicts 100+ temps for the next 10 days. heh...I just laugh when I see it. BRING IT ON! I say. Yes. I know it will be tiresome and I will grow to dislike the constant heat and need to use AC...but, it will never be as bad as that humidity. And it does cool off at night. And I have a pool. So, I think what really tells me its summer is the ability to swim outside every day. That and the fact that I am using artificial tanners to look like I actually spend time in the sun. Which I do, but with major sunblock plus subtle color... The other thing that tells me its sum...