
Oh my's Friday...already...

What a week. Here is a photo montage of some of my week...

Janine wrote a wonderful reflection for the Feminist Theology blog. I've managed this blog for about 6 months, it is cosponsored by the Office of Women's Ministry through the Episcopal Church. You can read Janine's reflection here.

Cactus are still blooming - the desert is soooo beautiful.

The road runners were out yesterday running around my front yard trying to catch dinner...I think they managed to get about five of the baby quail (since they run through my yard and today there are about five fewer babies...sigh...sad...)...

my daughter and Ryan heading off to the black tie ball where he received several medals in honor of his time served in combat while deployed for 16 months to Afghanistan. They make a nice couple, don't you think? Oh, and then add to that, Ryan injured himself jumping out of a plane Thursday morning (he's 82nd airborne) and had to go to the hospital - has a concussion...and my daughter came home from the trip to NC for the ball with a sinus and ear infection...

And here are my god-daughters...(Baby Z and Little L)...5 months old today...remember that snowy night I spent in the hospital helping them be born? Hard to believe that five months later they are so beautiful and healthy and I live 1800 miles away...


What a great week. You have a beautiful daughter and god-daughters.
Rev SS said…
great pictures ... especially of your beautiful daughter and her handsome beau, and the babies.
Jan said…
Wonderful pictures. My smile grew bigger and bigger as I progressed down the pictures--especially with Ryan and your daughter and the babies! Love incarnate.
your daughter is beautiful and that dress... wowzers! the babies... cute, so cute. now are you relaxing or working oh so hard all the time down there? seems to me you're working awfully hard...

sit by that pool for awhile and jsut "be"... i'd bring the pitcher of something light & refreshing but it might slosh around in the car tooo much on the drive. you sit and relax. i'm going to scrub the shower & pretend in my mind i'm sitting at the pool with you sipping something...
Barbara B. said…
Wowser what a week you had!!!
I love all the pictures -- your daughter and Ryan make a striking couple! and your god-daughters are incredibly cute!
Jennifer said…
Many blessings!
Diane M. Roth said…
gorgeous pictures, all! blessings on you!

oh, how I wish I could come and visit you!

and someday, I'll have time to be a part of the feminist theology blog....
dust bunny said…
Thanks for sharing such GREAT pictures!!!
Beautiful pictures and bad roadrunner! Yes they make a very nice couple. What jolly babies.
Anonymous said…
Great photos of a busy week! I especially liked the roadrunner :)
Mary Beth said…
gorgeous, all of them!

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