An Award...

Katherine E at meaning and authenticity awarded me the Super scribbler. You can learn more about it here.

Of course, as with every Bloggy Award, there are A Few Rules. They are, forthwith:

Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends.

Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.

Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to this post, which explains The Award.

Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!

Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.

Thank you Katherine E. I am grateful for this honor, and will pass it on. Today though, I am not feeling well - a flu bug I think....So, once my head stops pounding and my tummy settles down, I'll tag five others, if they haven't self-selected before that time.....that said, if you read this, consider yourself tagged, follow the rules, and leave me a comment that you have posted this! 'Cuz you are a Superior Sribbler, ya know, and deserve this!


Jennifer said…
Congratulations....and feel better soon!
Jan said…
Get well! And thanks for managing the quick email response to my email about Advent, which may or may not be an aid to you, oh, wise woman that you are.

Congratulations on an honor you deserve!

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