An Excellent Second Day

Yesterday I walked more than I had walked in 8 days. A lot more. Which means that this morning I was tired. Not sleepy, just tired. So I stayed in my hotel room, in bed, in my pj's until 10am. I ordered room service and drank a pot of coffee (OK, a pot was only 4 cups). I read blogs. Finally I showered and got dressed. I wanted to attend the General Convention Eucharist built around the theme of the Millennium Development Goals. I am so glad I went. I got to hear a fabulous keynote (sermon) address, which you can read here. I got to sit next to my former, and now retired Bishop. I got to see some folks I have cared about and known for years. It was great.

After the Eucharist I grabbed a quick lunch (Turkey sandwich and iced Tea) and then went to wait for my assignment as a page for the House of Bishops. Thankfully I brought my knitting, because I waited awhile. My assignment (When they asked if anyone had any issues with walking or hearing, I raised my hand - note to self, walk slow, even if you feel well) was to sit in the back of the House of Bishops, a less busy page position than the front of the House. There were three of us back there and we rotated monitoring who could walk in to the Bishop's space and who needed messages delivered.

The meeting began with a presentation of the invited, inter-religious guests. A rabbi and a Cantor opened us with prayer - a beautiful chant in Hebrew - oh my! Then someone joined them chanting in English: "May the May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He cause His face to shine upon you. May He lift up His countenance and grant you peace."

A short amount of time was busy, then we sat for 2 hours and just listened to the proceedings. It was an easy job. We were supposed to work from 1:30-6:00pm, but we didn't actually start to work until three and we ended at 5:30. Not bad. The resolutions being addressed by the House of Bishops were basic things, nothing controversial, and most passed without a hitch. A few were actually recommended by the presenter as resolutions that should be rejected - and they were.

Following my work as a Page in the H of B I returned to my room, made a few phone calls, took a shower, ordered room service, and called it a night. Now, instead of being tired I am actually beginning to feel sleepy. As soon as the sun goes down I will too!

More tomorrow on the General Convention.


Diane M. Roth said…
I will be checking in for more! I'm glad you ordered room service. That sounds like a lovely way to end the day.
altar ego said…
Glad you had a good second day and that the walking didn't do you in! Looking forward to your next report. Thank goodness for portable projects like knitting!
Janine said…
You made it!
Good for you!
Jan said…
Sounds good.

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