Friday Five

Sally over at RevGals posts this Friday Five Meme. Her family sails with a passion.

1. Is there a sport/ hobby that is more of a passion than a past-time for you? I have had a number of "sports" that were passions, although I have not had one consistent one through out my life. For example,I swam (not well) a lots as a child. I danced for many years, and it was my major in undergrad. I also developed a passion for bike riding. Now I walk my dogs, ride an exercise bike, and swim in my pool. I don't dance very often...but every now and then I get a yearning for a ballet class.

2. Outdoors or indoors? Both

3. Where do you find peace and quiet? Oh, in the pool at night floating and looking up at the stars. A long walk on a cool day with the dogs (very few occasions like that in Arizona lately, it's been triple digits since May). And knitting. Is knitting a sport? It' more than a hobby.... it's probably a passion...

4. A competitive spirit; good or bad, discuss... I can be terribly competitive. But mostly with myself, always seeking to outdo whatever I did last. I don't really enjoy being competitive with other people.

5. Is there a song a picture or a poem that sums up your passion ?
Bonus for posting a video/ link. Well I tried to post a youtube of the Beach Boys singing Sail on Sailor...but as usual it disappeared when I moved it from being it's own post to being part of this one....weird embedding process for YouTube...maybe this link will work.... Sail On Sailor.



MaineCelt said…
Lovely image of floating in the pool under the stars... made me feel more peaceful just reading it. As I child, I always wanted to go the local public pool when it was raining. There'd be hardly anyone else there, just the wonderful sound of rain falling on the water, soft grey skies, and water, water, everywhere!
revkjarla said…
ahhh! You majored in DANCE? How cool is that?
altar ego said…
Hmm, knitting as a sport... I think some would say yes to that! And I, too, love the idea of swimming at night and looking at the stars. Very cosmic. Have you done liturgical dance?
Mary Beth said…
I want to float in a pool at night! We have a hot tub...NOT good for the same thing. :)
Triple digits! Yes I was a dancer manque, but never any good
you're so versatile... do you have an invisible jet like wonderwoman? cuz that would be coool... and you could come visit... it's not quite 100 here today!
Diane M. Roth said…
I like swimming under the stars too. and tho I myself am not good at it, I admire the gracefulness of dance and dancers.
Anonymous said…
100+ is hot...I don't think I could handle that climate for long.

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