

Today I am pondering the reality that if you want to find something to complain about you can. But why? Why spend so much energy complaining about this, that, or the other thing?


Jan said…
Good cartoon. Interesting thought. I guess we always "find" what we're looking for--complaining, gratitude, or whatever.
Jennifer said…

My friend twittered (tweeted?) this yesterday (his own words): There are too many joy-filled things I feel called to build up, so I refuse to spend my energy and time tearing others down.

Send that to your antagonists!

Keeping you close in prayer.
Godd reminder not to be so negative.
altar ego said…
I wonder that as well. A sour voice seems to stem from a sour soul. Sadly, there are people who choose to be sour. I fail to see what is gained.

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