Gratitude for "K's"

Continuing with my daily reflection, following the alphabet, on gratitude:

Knitting: I am so grateful for knitting. I love to do it. For many years all I knit were simple straight line scarves. Recently I took a class on knitting socks. Basic sock technique. Since then (beginning of June) I have knit one pair and am finishing the first of a second pair. So many cool yarns for socks. I have also knit a winter hat for one of my God daughter's and will start the hat for the other twin soon. Knitting is relaxing, contemplative, peaceful. It occupies hands during meetings and while waiting. It keeps me busy at night while my husband watches TV.

Kites: I love to fly a kite. Haven't in years - but love too.

Kittens: I haven't had one in awhile, my two cats will be 4 and 12 in September. But kittens are so very sweet and playful.


OZ, my kitten, says HI.
Hot Cup Lutheran said…
i was out the other day - don't recall where - and i passed an entire rack of kites!
Barbara B. said…
I have a soft spot for kittens. :)
Jennifer said…
I love sock yarn, too!
Anonymous said…
I wonder if knitting and kittens go together...from what I remember, they love to play with yarn :)
Diane M. Roth said…
knitting socks! I'm jealous. would love to find a class...

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