T with a graTiTude....

Today, at least as it is the end of Monday as I write this: my wedding anniversary. It has been a bit of a tumultuous day, some major, significant, perhaps transitional, unbloggable stuff. That part, terrible. Tragic. Making certain commitments tenuous, or may just, temporary.

It has also been a terrific day:

Dog walk: terrific
Dog park: terrific
Swim: terrific
dinner out: can one spell delicious with a "T"?....telicious?!!? well, it was.

Tender, some parts of this day were, tender. It was after all our anniversary, twenty-four.


altar ego said…
sending hugs, compassion, thoughts and prayers your way. Belated Happy Anniversary.
t... good things begin with t! happy day after the anniversary...
Jan said…
Happy Anniversary, better late than never. Love.
Jennifer said…
Oh, friend!
Blessings and hugs to you for all the unbloggable stuff.

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