
I have been thinking.

Yes, I do that once in awhile.....coming to the end of the alphabet meme, and so, what can I say about Y?

Y: Yellow. Not exactly my favorite color. For example, I NEVER wear yellow - I simple do not do the color justice - and it does not suit me, either. But nonetheless, I love yellow - the color of sun, of warmth, of flowers, of butter and cheese (ok, favorite foods), of paint - as in wall color. I like yellow walls, and if I stay in this house I will paint a few walls a deep yellow, desert, late summer, kind of yellow. Yellow with a little brown in it. That color, or this color, of yellow.

Yes, Yup, Yesterday, Yuck, - all words I use often - grateful for that. I like to think that today will in fact become, yesterday. Gone, past. (sometimes a good thing). I like that there are times, things, circumstances, hopes, joys, loves, that I say "YES" too - or at least, "YUP." Of course there is always something I end up saying, "YUCK" too. (sigh, yuck)....

then, there is still, "Z"...

Zoo - oh I love zoos. I have had so much fun with family and children at zoos. I love seeing animals I would otherwise never see. I do prefer zoos that create, as best as possible, "natural environments" for the animals. I'm not into "caging" animals, if you know what I mean.
Zyrtec -good gracious, the most recent allergy med that helps me, is this one - or the generic version thereof.

Zippiety do dah - zipppety yay - wonderful feeling, wonderful day! This is in thanksgiving for Mrs. Lloyd, my second grade teacher who played this on the piano every morning as a way to start our class. I loved her and still have a post card she sent me some 45 years ago....

and as usual, if I embed something from "Youtube" but move it from being the first object in the post to say, "HERE" - it won't show up...I am really frustrated with Youtube, these days....anyhoo...I tried to post a fun Youtube of Zippity do dah...

but, instead you'll have to go over here

Zippers - a vital part of clothing....well, don't you agree?

Ok. For better or for worse, I have managed to zip through an alphabet meme of gratitude.


Jan said…
Zippity background, too! Happy yellow day.
Jennifer said…
I learned a lot from your meme.
It was good.
Love to you!
I'm finally deciding to jump in and attempt to do this one--starting in September. :-)
revhipchick said…
i love the zinging yellow backgroud (sorry, not enough zip to continue).

what a fun meme!
Barbara B. said…
You did an awesome job on the alphabet meme of gratitude!
Anonymous said…
This was a great series!

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