Finding Heaven in Mother Earth

A vein of sapphires
hides in the earth,
a sweetness in fruit;

and in plain-looking rock
lies a golden ore,
and its seeds,
the treasure of oil.

Like these,
the infinite
rests concealed in the heart.

No one can see the ways
of our jasmine-white Lord.

Mahadevi, India twelfth century
translated by Jane Hirshfield
Ford-Grabowsky, Mary: WomanPrayers, HarperCollins, 2003


Terri said…
I like most of this prayer, but I have to admit, Jasmine-white Lord is an unsettling phrase....
altar ego said…
First of all, you're in my thoughts and prayers. Also sending you a cyber hug (((((( )))))).

If it makes you feel any better about jasmine-white I don't think that's a racial reference. I think Jasmine has a particular significance in India to which that might refer (like purity, fragrance, power... just guessing).
Anonymous said…
Jasmine flowers (in garlands) are often used in worshiping Shiva and Vishnu. Sometimes the statues of these gods are covered with garlands, which is probably where the "jasmine-white Lord" comes from.

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