Friday Five: RechargedRecharging

Sally over at RevGals is wondering about what recharges us and offers this Friday Five Meme:

1. Is there a person who encourages and uplifts you, whose company you seek when you are feeling low? I am usually recharged by finding time for solitude and silence: When I am really worn I schedule a three day silent retreat. On a regular basis I find solitude in reading a book or the NY Times on the chaise in the backyard and then taking a good swim. I used to be recharged by walking through the beauty of our old dog park in Chicago - a good 45 minute walk where just the dogs and I could wander off. Here, though, with bobcats and coyotes, I rarely walk the dogs alone. (sad, really). I also like to sit outside in the morning with a cup of coffee and watch the sun rise over the mountains. And lastly, knitting restores me.

2. How about a piece of music that either invigorates or relaxes you? I use music this way all the time. Except I have lost my iPod and have not been able to afford to replace it, so I am music-less these days.

3. Which book of the Bible do you most readily turn to for refreshment and encouragement? Is there a particular story that brings you hope? Romans 8:26-28: Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit* intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. We know that all things work together for good* for those who love God...

4. A bracing walk or a cosy fireside? Depends on the weather. Not much for freezing while I walk, but a nice chilly day is great for a walk. A cold day requires a fire, a cup of tea, and good book.

5. Are you feeling refreshed and restored at the moment or in need of recharging, write a prayer or a prayer request to finish this weeks Friday Five....

I am worn to about as thin a place
as one be.
My daily prayer is heavy with sadness -
Lord, why me?
Anger, mean spirited, hurtful, people
cannot see
The harmful effect of words and actions
sad, so sad
friends, family, a time of hope turned sour
people mad.
Books are written about this stuff, many
I know this
And still, and still it is so very hard
A thin place where evil and grace abide
side by side.


altar ego said…
May your thin place expand with the fullness of grace, and may God lift you above the evil perpetrated by the hard hearts of others. Lifting you in prayer so that you may rest from that labor, and sending hugs.
RevDrKate said…
(((MP))) prayers to you, friend
Anonymous said…
It is my prayer... that the Holy Spirit... will lead you home... where wholeness reigns... and brokenness is not a way of life. ((((MP))))
What they all said and more!
angela said…
Amen. May you find time to fill your cup soon. And I love the Romans 8 text.
Jennifer said…
COntinued prayers, my friend, and a very specific hope that you can replace your iPod soon. Little things to take care of yourself are so important.
Barbara B. said…
I echo Jennifer's comments! Continued prayers from me too!
RevSis said…
May you feel the company of friends sitting quietly beside you, pouring love upon you, and creating space with you for God to tend your tattered soul.

I too find myself in a thin place of evil and grace. I have no idea how to survive this myself and greatly appreciated reading your lament. Thank you for allowing God to work through you even in your own time of need.
Sue said…
Muthah+ said…
Prayers ascend. Most of us have been in that thin place. The other thin place is where heaven and earth come together. That you may find the latter one soon.
revkjarla said…
oh dear one...
so many thoughts and prayers and hope in the depths are surrounding you in my heart.
imngrace said…
((MP)) Chicago... yeah, I miss it, too. Especially when I am reminded almost weekly, "This ISN'T Chicago..."

Thank you for the prose. It speaks to where I am at, too. Feeling a bit drained, wondering "why? Oh, Lord, why?" May you be granted strength and courage and peace in these days.
MumPastor said…
praying for you mompriest, what a heartbreaking and lovely poem

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